"The jelloMolds are silicone rubber cast in traditional American jello molds and Bundt cake pans. In the manner of jello fruit salads, the jello molds are embedded with a functioning LCD monitor and circuit board as opposed to pineapple or marshmallow chunks. The LCD monitors have been taken out of the factory casings and sealed with electrical insulating varnish. One monitor is placed in the mold with a small amount of liquid silicone rubber and then the mold is filled to the top. The LCD monitor is completely embedded in the mold in this manner. If these steps are done correctly the LCD monitor continues to function after the silicone rubber gels. Depending on the type of mold and the depth of submersion, the ability to view content on the monitors is determined. The monitors are placed in the central hole of the Bundt cake molds, so those videos are unobstructed. The videos used for the jelloMolds vary from simple figurative animations to short snippets of readily identifiable television programming such as professional wrestling." Ray Rapp, 2008

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