"I combine, layer and compress different kinds of space. The vessels that give these spaces form can be clear and tangible like architecture/ furniture
or symbolic like a flag or just formal - a color.
I use plaster to make the wall drawings feel built thus physical. This physical quality contrasts with the flatness of drawing forms in space adding another layer tension to the work.
Combining these forms makes for odd, unthought-of arrangements that once started must be reconciled formally, all the while staying true to a notion of space that is convoluted, dense, opaque yet somehow understood." Jim Osman, 2008


Jack Sal said...

Great work; Osman translation of his 3D serogate objects into wall drawing are a new and inteligent surprise

jozef said...

Jim, thanks again for the great wall in my shop. visitors are very positive. Greetings from willi, Belgium